My interests in computer science lie in finishing this
fucking statement of purpose before midnight andf then going to grad
I want to go to grad school because I hate the real world.
I even hate the real world that is on the MTV series. Especially Puck.
He really sucked.
I wrote this computer
program that allows many people to associate me with Patrick Henry Winston's vibrating head. Anne is also doing
this applciations. She takes comfort in the wise words of her piano
teacher. I, however, am not convinced. It seems to me that brevity is
the soul of pain.
I hope that you don't read this statement of purpose because if you
do you'll probably think I'm weird. On the other hand, maybe you like weird
things. But I hate you all because you all go hiking all the time and
hiking is stupid. I bet you have more bikes than my roommate does.
Please let me in to your grad school ebcasue otherwise I have to
live at home next year.
P. S. Diversity is good