Now and then I come across an article on
that rock garden in Japan where there’s just
a space of sand and a few rocks in it.
The author, no matter
who he is, sets out either to
suggest that the position of the rocks in
the space follows some geometrical plan
productive of the beauty one observes,
or not satisfied with mere suggestion,
he makes diagrams and detailed
analyses. So when I met Ashihara,
the Japanese music and dance critic
(his first name escapes me), I told
him that I thought those stones could have
been anywhere in that space, that
I doubted whether their relationship was a
planned one, that the emptiness of
the sand was such that it could support
stones at any points in it.
Ashihara had already given me a present (some
table mats), but then he asked me
to wait a moment while he went into
his hotel. He came out
and gave me the tie I am now wearing.