25 Algorithms library [lib.algorithms]

1 This clause describes components that C++ programs may use to perform algorithmic operations on containers (clause 23) and other sequences.

2 The following subclauses describe components for non-modifying sequence operation, modifying sequence operations, sorting and related operations, and algorithms from the ISO C library, as summarized in Table 77:

Table 77---Algorithms library summary
_ ___________________________________________________
_            Subclause                 Header(s)
_ ___________________________________________________
 25.1 Non-modifying sequence operations
 25.2 Mutating sequence operations  <algorithm>
_ 25.3 Sorting and related operations
_ 25.4 C library algorithms         <cstdlib>

Header <algorithm> synopsis
namespace std {
  // 25.1, non-modifying sequence operations:
  template<class InputIterator, class Function>
    Function for_each(InputIterator   first, InputIterator   last, Function  f);
  template<class InputIterator, class T>
    InputIterator find(InputIterator   first, InputIterator   last,
                        const T&  value);
  template<class InputIterator, class Predicate>
    InputIterator find_if(InputIterator   first, InputIterator   last,
                           Predicate  pred);
  template<class ForwardIterator1, class ForwardIterator2>
      find_end(ForwardIterator1   first1, ForwardIterator1   last1,
                ForwardIterator2  first2, ForwardIterator2   last2);
  template<class ForwardIterator1, class ForwardIterator2,
           class BinaryPredicate>
      find_end(ForwardIterator1   first1, ForwardIterator1   last1,
                ForwardIterator2  first2, ForwardIterator2   last2,
                BinaryPredicate  pred);

  template<class ForwardIterator1, class ForwardIterator2>
      find_first_of(ForwardIterator1   first1, ForwardIterator1   last1,
                     ForwardIterator2  first2, ForwardIterator2   last2);
  template<class ForwardIterator1, class ForwardIterator2,
           class BinaryPredicate>
      find_first_of(ForwardIterator1   first1, ForwardIterator1   last1,
                ForwardIterator2  first2, ForwardIterator2   last2,
                BinaryPredicate  pred);
template<class ForwardIterator>
ForwardIterator adjacent_find(ForwardIterator  first,
                              ForwardIterator  last);
template<class ForwardIterator, class BinaryPredicate>
ForwardIterator adjacent_find(ForwardIterator  first,
    ForwardIterator last, BinaryPredicate  pred);

template<class InputIterator, class T>
typename iterator_traits<InputIterator>::difference_type
  count(InputIterator first, InputIterator  last, const T& value);
template<class InputIterator, class Predicate>
typename iterator_traits<InputIterator>::difference_type
  count_if(InputIterator first, InputIterator  last, Predicate pred);

template<class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2>
pair<InputIterator1, InputIterator2>
  mismatch(InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1  last1,
           InputIterator2 first2);
template <class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2, class BinaryPredicate>
pair<InputIterator1, InputIterator2>
  mismatch(InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1  last1,
    InputIterator2 first2, BinaryPredicate  pred);

template<class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2>
bool equal(InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1  last1,
           InputIterator2 first2);
template <class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2, class BinaryPredicate>
bool equal(InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1  last1,
           InputIterator2 first2, BinaryPredicate  pred);

template<class ForwardIterator1, class ForwardIterator2>
ForwardIterator1 search
  (ForwardIterator1 first1, ForwardIterator1  last1,
   ForwardIterator2 first2, ForwardIterator2  last2);
template<class ForwardIterator1, class ForwardIterator2,
class BinaryPredicate>
ForwardIterator1 search
  (ForwardIterator1 first1, ForwardIterator1  last1,
   ForwardIterator2 first2, ForwardIterator2  last2,
                        BinaryPredicate  pred);
template<class ForwardIterator, class Size, class T>
ForwardIterator  search_n(ForwardIterator  first, ForwardIterator last,
                        Size count, const T&  value);
template <class ForwardIterator, class Size, class T, class BinaryPredicate>
ForwardIterator1 search_n(ForwardIterator  first, ForwardIterator last,
                        Size count, const T&  value,
                        BinaryPredicate  pred);
// 25.2, modifying sequence operations: // 25.2.1, copy: template<class InputIterator, class OutputIterator>
OutputIterator copy(InputIterator  first, InputIterator last,
                     OutputIterator result);
template<class BidirectionalIterator1, class BidirectionalIterator2>
    (BidirectionalIterator1  first, BidirectionalIterator1 last,
     BidirectionalIterator2  result);

// 25.2.2, swap: template<class T> void swap(T& a, T& b); template<class ForwardIterator1, class ForwardIterator2>
ForwardIterator2 swap_ranges(ForwardIterator1  first1,
    ForwardIterator1  last1, ForwardIterator2 first2);
template<class ForwardIterator1, class ForwardIterator2>
void iter_swap(ForwardIterator1  a, ForwardIterator2 b);

template<class InputIterator, class OutputIterator, class UnaryOperation>
OutputIterator transform(InputIterator  first, InputIterator last,
                          OutputIterator result, UnaryOperation op);
template<class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2, class OutputIterator,
class BinaryOperation>
OutputIterator transform(InputIterator1  first1, InputIterator1 last1,
                          InputIterator2 first2, OutputIterator result,
                          BinaryOperation binary_op);

template<class ForwardIterator, class T>
void replace(ForwardIterator  first, ForwardIterator last,
              const T& old_value, const T& new_value);
template<class ForwardIterator, class Predicate, class T>
void replace_if(ForwardIterator  first, ForwardIterator last,
                 Predicate pred, const T& new_value);
template<class InputIterator, class OutputIterator, class T>
OutputIterator replace_copy(InputIterator  first, InputIterator last,
                             OutputIterator result,
                             const T& old_value, const T& new_value);
template<class Iterator, class OutputIterator, class Predicate, class T>
OutputIterator replace_copy_if(Iterator  first, Iterator last,
                                OutputIterator result,
                                Predicate pred, const T& new_value);

template<class ForwardIterator, class T>
void fill(ForwardIterator  first, ForwardIterator last, const T& value);
template<class OutputIterator, class Size, class T>
void fill_n(OutputIterator  first, Size n, const T& value);

template<class ForwardIterator, class Generator>
void generate(ForwardIterator  first, ForwardIterator last,
               Generator gen);
template<class OutputIterator, class Size, class Generator>
void generate_n(OutputIterator  first, Size n, Generator gen);
template<class ForwardIterator, class T>
ForwardIterator remove(ForwardIterator  first, ForwardIterator last,
                        const T& value);
template<class ForwardIterator, class Predicate>
ForwardIterator remove_if(ForwardIterator  first, ForwardIterator last,
                           Predicate pred);
template<class InputIterator, class OutputIterator, class T>
OutputIterator remove_copy(InputIterator  first, InputIterator last,
                            OutputIterator result, const T& value);
template<class InputIterator, class OutputIterator, class Predicate>
OutputIterator remove_copy_if(InputIterator  first, InputIterator last,
                               OutputIterator result, Predicate pred);

template<class ForwardIterator>
ForwardIterator unique(ForwardIterator  first, ForwardIterator last);
template<class ForwardIterator, class BinaryPredicate>
ForwardIterator unique(ForwardIterator  first, ForwardIterator last,
                        BinaryPredicate pred);
template<class InputIterator, class OutputIterator>
OutputIterator unique_copy(InputIterator  first, InputIterator last,
                            OutputIterator result);
template<class InputIterator, class OutputIterator, class BinaryPredicate>
OutputIterator unique_copy(InputIterator  first, InputIterator last,
                            OutputIterator result, BinaryPredicate pred);

template<class BidirectionalIterator>
void reverse(BidirectionalIterator  first, BidirectionalIterator last);
template<class BidirectionalIterator, class OutputIterator>
OutputIterator reverse_copy(BidirectionalIterator  first,
                             BidirectionalIterator last,
                             OutputIterator result);

template<class ForwardIterator>
void rotate(ForwardIterator  first, ForwardIterator middle,
            ForwardIterator  last);
template<class ForwardIterator, class OutputIterator>
OutputIterator rotate_copy
  (ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator  middle,
   ForwardIterator last, OutputIterator  result);

template<class RandomAccessIterator>
void random_shuffle(RandomAccessIterator  first,
                    RandomAccessIterator  last);
template<class RandomAccessIterator, class RandomNumberGenerator>
void random_shuffle(RandomAccessIterator  first,
                    RandomAccessIterator  last,
                    RandomNumberGenerator&  rand);

// 25.2.12, partitions: template<class BidirectionalIterator, class Predicate>
BidirectionalIterator partition(BidirectionalIterator  first,
                                 BidirectionalIterator last,
                                 Predicate pred);
template<class BidirectionalIterator, class Predicate>
BidirectionalIterator stable_partition(BidirectionalIterator  first,
                                        BidirectionalIterator last,
                                        Predicate pred);
// 25.3, sorting and related operations: // 25.3.1, sorting: template<class RandomAccessIterator>
void sort(RandomAccessIterator  first, RandomAccessIterator last);
template<class RandomAccessIterator, class Compare>
void sort(RandomAccessIterator  first, RandomAccessIterator last,
           Compare comp);

template<class RandomAccessIterator>
void stable_sort(RandomAccessIterator  first, RandomAccessIterator  last);
template<class RandomAccessIterator, class Compare>
void stable_sort(RandomAccessIterator  first, RandomAccessIterator  last,
                  Compare comp);

template<class RandomAccessIterator>
void partial_sort(RandomAccessIterator  first,
                   RandomAccessIterator middle,
                   RandomAccessIterator last);
template<class RandomAccessIterator, class Compare>
void partial_sort(RandomAccessIterator  first,
                   RandomAccessIterator middle,
                   RandomAccessIterator last, Compare comp);
template<class InputIterator, class RandomAccessIterator>
  partial_sort_copy(InputIterator  first, InputIterator last,
                     RandomAccessIterator result_first,
                     RandomAccessIterator result_last);
template<class InputIterator, class RandomAccessIterator, class Compare>
  partial_sort_copy(InputIterator  first, InputIterator last,
                     RandomAccessIterator result_first,
                     RandomAccessIterator result_last,
                     Compare comp);

template<class RandomAccessIterator>
void nth_element(RandomAccessIterator  first, RandomAccessIterator  nth,
                  RandomAccessIterator last);
template<class RandomAccessIterator, class Compare>
void nth_element(RandomAccessIterator  first, RandomAccessIterator  nth,
                  RandomAccessIterator last, Compare comp);

// 25.3.3, binary search: template<class ForwardIterator, class T>
ForwardIterator lower_bound(ForwardIterator  first, ForwardIterator  last,
                             const T& value);
template<class ForwardIterator, class T, class Compare>
ForwardIterator lower_bound(ForwardIterator  first, ForwardIterator  last,
                             const T& value, Compare comp);

template<class ForwardIterator, class T>
ForwardIterator upper_bound(ForwardIterator  first, ForwardIterator  last,
                             const T& value);
template<class ForwardIterator, class T, class Compare>
ForwardIterator upper_bound(ForwardIterator  first, ForwardIterator  last,
                             const T& value, Compare comp);
template<class ForwardIterator, class T>
pair<ForwardIterator, ForwardIterator>
  equal_range(ForwardIterator  first, ForwardIterator last,
               const T& value);
template<class ForwardIterator, class T, class Compare>
pair<ForwardIterator, ForwardIterator>
  equal_range(ForwardIterator  first, ForwardIterator last,
               const T& value, Compare comp);

template<class ForwardIterator, class T>
bool binary_search(ForwardIterator  first, ForwardIterator last,
                    const T& value);
template<class ForwardIterator, class T, class Compare>
bool binary_search(ForwardIterator  first, ForwardIterator last,
                    const T& value, Compare comp);

// 25.3.4, merge: template<class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2, class OutputIterator>
OutputIterator merge(InputIterator1  first1, InputIterator1 last1,
                      InputIterator2 first2, InputIterator2 last2,
                      OutputIterator result);
template<class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2, class OutputIterator,
class Compare>
OutputIterator merge(InputIterator1  first1, InputIterator1 last1,
                      InputIterator2 first2, InputIterator2 last2,
                      OutputIterator result, Compare comp);

template<class BidirectionalIterator>
void inplace_merge(BidirectionalIterator  first,
                    BidirectionalIterator middle,
                    BidirectionalIterator last);
template<class BidirectionalIterator, class Compare>
void inplace_merge(BidirectionalIterator  first,
                    BidirectionalIterator middle,
                    BidirectionalIterator last, Compare comp);

// 25.3.5, set operations: template<class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2>
bool includes(InputIterator1  first1, InputIterator1 last1,
               InputIterator2 first2, InputIterator2 last2);
template<class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2, class Compare>
bool includes
  (InputIterator1  first1, InputIterator1 last1,
   InputIterator2  first2, InputIterator2 last2, Compare comp);

template<class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2, class OutputIterator>
OutputIterator set_union(InputIterator1  first1, InputIterator1 last1,
                          InputIterator2 first2, InputIterator2 last2,
                          OutputIterator result);
template<class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2, class OutputIterator,
class Compare>
OutputIterator set_union(InputIterator1  first1, InputIterator1 last1,
                          InputIterator2 first2, InputIterator2 last2,
                          OutputIterator result, Compare comp);
template<class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2, class OutputIterator>
OutputIterator set_intersection
    (InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1  last1,
     InputIterator2 first2, InputIterator2  last2,
     OutputIterator result);
template<class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2, class OutputIterator,
class Compare>
OutputIterator set_intersection
    (InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1  last1,
     InputIterator2 first2, InputIterator2  last2,
     OutputIterator result, Compare  comp);

template<class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2, class OutputIterator>
OutputIterator set_difference
    (InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1  last1,
     InputIterator2 first2, InputIterator2  last2,
     OutputIterator result);
template<class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2, class OutputIterator,
class Compare>
OutputIterator set_difference
    (InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1  last1,
     InputIterator2 first2, InputIterator2  last2,
     OutputIterator result, Compare  comp);

template<class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2, class OutputIterator>
  set_symmetric_difference(InputIterator1  first1, InputIterator1 last1,
                            InputIterator2 first2, InputIterator2 last2,
                            OutputIterator result);
template<class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2, class OutputIterator,
class Compare>
  set_symmetric_difference(InputIterator1  first1, InputIterator1 last1,
                            InputIterator2 first2, InputIterator2 last2,
                            OutputIterator result, Compare comp);

// 25.3.6, heap operations: template<class RandomAccessIterator>
void push_heap(RandomAccessIterator  first, RandomAccessIterator last);
template<class RandomAccessIterator, class Compare>
void push_heap(RandomAccessIterator  first, RandomAccessIterator last,
               Compare  comp);

template<class RandomAccessIterator>
void pop_heap(RandomAccessIterator  first, RandomAccessIterator last);
template<class RandomAccessIterator, class Compare>
void pop_heap(RandomAccessIterator  first, RandomAccessIterator last,
              Compare  comp);

template<class RandomAccessIterator>
void make_heap(RandomAccessIterator  first, RandomAccessIterator last);
template<class RandomAccessIterator, class Compare>
void make_heap(RandomAccessIterator  first, RandomAccessIterator last,
               Compare  comp);

template<class RandomAccessIterator>
void sort_heap(RandomAccessIterator  first, RandomAccessIterator last);
template<class RandomAccessIterator, class Compare>
void sort_heap(RandomAccessIterator  first, RandomAccessIterator last,
               Compare  comp);
      // 25.3.7, minimum and maximum:
      template<class T> const T& min(const T&     a, const T&  b);
      template<class T, class Compare>
        const T& min(const T&   a, const T&   b, Compare  comp);
      template<class T> const T& max(const T&     a, const T&  b);
      template<class T, class Compare>
        const T& max(const T&   a, const T&   b, Compare  comp);

      template<class ForwardIterator>
        ForwardIterator min_element
           (ForwardIterator  first, ForwardIterator   last);
      template<class ForwardIterator, class Compare>
        ForwardIterator min_element(ForwardIterator      first, ForwardIterator   last,
                                     Compare  comp);
      template<class ForwardIterator>
        ForwardIterator max_element
           (ForwardIterator  first, ForwardIterator   last);
      template<class ForwardIterator, class Compare>
        ForwardIterator max_element(ForwardIterator      first, ForwardIterator   last,
                                     Compare  comp);

      template<class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2>
        bool lexicographical_compare
             (InputIterator1  first1, InputIterator1   last1,
              InputIterator2  first2, InputIterator2   last2);
      template<class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2, class Compare>
        bool lexicographical_compare
             (InputIterator1  first1, InputIterator1   last1,
              InputIterator2  first2, InputIterator2   last2,
              Compare  comp);

      // 25.3.9, permutations
      template<class BidirectionalIterator>
        bool next_permutation(BidirectionalIterator      first,
                                BidirectionalIterator    last);
      template<class BidirectionalIterator, class Compare>
        bool next_permutation(BidirectionalIterator      first,
                                BidirectionalIterator    last, Compare  comp);
      template<class BidirectionalIterator>
        bool prev_permutation(BidirectionalIterator      first,
                                BidirectionalIterator    last);
      template<class BidirectionalIterator, class Compare>
        bool prev_permutation(BidirectionalIterator      first,
                                BidirectionalIterator    last, Compare  comp);

3 All of the algorithms are separated from the particular implementations of data structures and are parameterized by iterator types. Because of this, they can work with program-defined data structures, as long as these data structures have iterator types satisfying the assumptions on the algorithms.

4 Throughout this clause, the names of template parameters are used to express type requirements. If an algorithm's template parameter is InputIterator, InputIterator1, or InputIterator2, the actual template argument shall satisfy the requirements of an input iterator (24.1.1). If an algorithm's template parameter is OutputIterator, OutputIterator1, or OutputIterator2, the actual template argument shall satisfy the requirements of an output iterator (24.1.2). If an algorithm's template parameter is ForwardIterator, ForwardIterator1, or ForwardIterator2, the actual template argument shall satisfy the requirements of a forward iterator (24.1.3). If an algorithm's template parameter is BidirectionalIterator, BidirectionalIterator1, or BidirectionalIterator2, the actual template argument shall satisfy the requirements of a bidirectional iterator (24.1.4). If an algorithm's template parameter is RandomAccessIterator,

RandomAccessIterator1, or        RandomAccessIterator2, the actual template argument shall sat
isfy the requirements of a random-access iterator (24.1.5).

5 If an algorithm's Effects section says that a value pointed to by any iterator passed as an argument is modified, then that algorithm has an additional type requirement: The type of that argument shall satisfy the requirements of a mutable iterator (24.1). [Note: this requirement does not affect arguments that are declared as OutputIterator, OutputIterator1, or OutputIterator2, because output iterators must always be mutable. ---end note]

6 Both in-place and copying versions are provided for certain algorithms.250) When such a version is provided for algorithm it is called algorithm_copy. Algorithms that take predicates end with the suffix _if (which follows the suffix _copy).

7 The Predicate parameter is used whenever an algorithm expects a function object that when applied to the result of dereferencing the corresponding iterator returns a value testable as true. In other words, if an algorithm takes Predicate pred as its argument and first as its iterator argument, it should work correctly in the construct if (pred(*first)){...}. The function object pred shall not apply any non-constant function through the dereferenced iterator. This function object may be a pointer to function, or an object of a type with an appropriate function call operator.

8 The BinaryPredicate parameter is used whenever an algorithm expects a function object that when applied to the result of dereferencing two corresponding iterators or to dereferencing an iterator and type T when T is part of the signature returns a value testable as true. In other words, if an algorithm takes BinaryPredicate binary_pred as its argument and first1 and first2 as its iterator arguments, it should work correctly in the construct if (binary_pred(*first1, *first2)){...}. BinaryPredicate always takes the first iterator type as its first argument, that is, in those cases when T value is part of the signature, it should work correctly in the context of if (binary_pred(*first1, value)){...}. binary_pred shall not apply any non-constant function through the dereferenced iterators.

9 In the description of the algorithms operators + and - are used for some of the iterator categories for which they do not have to be defined. In these cases the semantics of a+n is the same as that of

{ X tmp = a;
   advance(tmp, n);
   return tmp;

and that of a-b is the same as of
return distance(a, b);

250) The decision whether to include a copying version was usually based on complexity considerations. When the cost of doing the operation dominates the cost of copy, the copying version is not included. For example, sort_copy is not included because the cost of sorting is much more significant, and users might as well do copy followed by sort. [back to text]

25.1 Non-modifying sequence operations [lib.alg.nonmodifying]

25.1.1 For each [lib.alg.foreach]

template<class InputIterator, class Function>
  Function for_each(InputIterator          first, InputIterator      last, Function     f);

1 Effects: Applies f to the result of dereferencing every iterator in the range [first, last), starting from first and proceeding to last - 1.

2 Returns: f.

3 Complexity: Applies f exactly last - first times.

4 Notes: If f returns a result, the result is ignored.

25.1.2 Find [lib.alg.find]

template<class InputIterator, class T>
  InputIterator find(InputIterator    first, InputIterator   last,
                       const T&  value);

template<class InputIterator, class Predicate>
  InputIterator find_if(InputIterator    first, InputIterator   last,
                          Predicate  pred);

1 Requires: Type T is EqualityComparable (20.1.1).

2 Returns: The first iterator i in the range [first, last) for which the following corresponding conditions hold: *i == value, pred(*i) != false. Returns last if no such iterator is found.

3 Complexity: At most last - first applications of the corresponding predicate.

25.1.3 Find End [lib.alg.find.end]

template<class ForwardIterator1, class ForwardIterator2>
    find_end(ForwardIterator1    first1, ForwardIterator1   last1,
              ForwardIterator2   first2, ForwardIterator2   last2);

template<class ForwardIterator1, class ForwardIterator2,
          class BinaryPredicate>
    find_end(ForwardIterator1    first1, ForwardIterator1   last1,
              ForwardIterator2   first2, ForwardIterator2   last2,
              BinaryPredicate   pred);

1 Effects: Finds a subsequence of equal values in a sequence.

2 Returns: The last iterator i in the range [first1, last1 - (last2-first2)) such that for any non-negative integer n < (last2-first2), the following corresponding conditions hold: *(i+n) == *(first2+n), pred(*(i+n),*(first2+n)) != false. Returns last1 if no such iterator is found.

3 Complexity: At most (last2 - first2) * (last1 - first1 - (last2 - first2) + 1) applications of the corresponding predicate.

25.1.4 Find First [lib.alg.find.first.of]

template<class ForwardIterator1, class ForwardIterator2>
    find_first_of(ForwardIterator1    first1, ForwardIterator1    last1,
                    ForwardIterator2  first2, ForwardIterator2    last2);

template<class ForwardIterator1, class ForwardIterator2,
           class BinaryPredicate>
    find_first_of(ForwardIterator1    first1, ForwardIterator1    last1,
                    ForwardIterator2  first2, ForwardIterator2    last2,
                    BinaryPredicate  pred);

1 Effects: Finds an element that matches one of a set of values.

2 Returns: The first iterator i in the range [first1, last1) such that for some integer j in the range [first2, last2) the following conditions hold: *i == *j, pred(*i,*j) != false. Returns last1 if no such iterator is found.

3 Complexity: At most (last1-first1) * (last2-first2) applications of the corresponding predicate.

25.1.5 Adjacent find [lib.alg.adjacent.find]

template<class ForwardIterator>
  ForwardIterator adjacent_find(ForwardIterator     first, ForwardIterator   last);

template<class ForwardIterator, class BinaryPredicate>
  ForwardIterator adjacent_find(ForwardIterator     first, ForwardIterator   last,
                                BinaryPredicate   pred);

1 Returns: The first iterator i such that both i and i + 1 are in the range [first, last) for which the following corresponding conditions hold: *i == *(i + 1), pred(*i, *(i + 1)) != false. Returns last if no such iterator is found.

2 Complexity: Exactly find(first, last, value) - first applications of the corresponding predicate.

25.1.6 Count [lib.alg.count]

template<class InputIterator, class T>
    typename iterator_traits<InputIterator>::difference_type
       count(InputIterator   first, InputIterator   last, const T&  value);

template<class InputIterator, class Predicate>
    typename iterator_traits<InputIterator>::difference_type
      count_if(InputIterator   first, InputIterator   last, Predicate   pred);

1 Requires: Type T is EqualityComparable (20.1.1) .

2 Effects: Returns the number of iterators i in the range [first, last) for which the following corresponding conditions hold: *i == value, pred(*i) != false.

3 Complexity: Exactly last - first applications of the corresponding predicate.

25.1.7 Mismatch [lib.mismatch]

template<class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2>
  pair<InputIterator1, InputIterator2>
      mismatch(InputIterator1   first1, InputIterator1   last1,
                InputIterator2  first2);

template<class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2,
           class BinaryPredicate>
  pair<InputIterator1, InputIterator2>
      mismatch(InputIterator1   first1, InputIterator1   last1,
                InputIterator2  first2, BinaryPredicate   pred);

1 Returns: A pair of iterators i and j such that j == first2 + (i - first1) and i is the first iterator in the range [first1, last1) for which the following corresponding conditions hold:

!(*i == *(first2  + (i -  first1)))
pred(*i, *(first2  + (i -  first1))) == false

Returns the pair last1 and first2 + (last1 - first1) if such an iterator i is not found.

2 Complexity: At most last1 - first1 applications of the corresponding predicate.

25.1.8 Equal [lib.alg.equal]

template<class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2>
  bool equal(InputIterator1   first1, InputIterator1   last1,
              InputIterator2  first2);

template<class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2,
           class BinaryPredicate>
  bool equal(InputIterator1   first1, InputIterator1   last1,
              InputIterator2  first2, BinaryPredicate   pred);

1 Returns: true if for every iterator i in the range [first1, last1) the following corresponding conditions hold: *i == *(first2 + (i - first1)), pred(*i, *(first2 + (i - first1))) != false. Otherwise, returns false.

2 Complexity: At most last1 - first1 applications of the corresponding predicate.

25.1.9 Search [lib.alg.search]

template<class ForwardIterator1, class ForwardIterator2>
    search(ForwardIterator1   first1, ForwardIterator1   last1,
            ForwardIterator2  first2, ForwardIterator2   last2);

template<class ForwardIterator1, class ForwardIterator2,
          class BinaryPredicate>
    search(ForwardIterator1   first1, ForwardIterator1   last1,
            ForwardIterator2  first2, ForwardIterator2   last2,
            BinaryPredicate  pred);

1 Effects: Finds a subsequence of equal values in a sequence.

2 Returns: The first iterator i in the range [first1, last1 - (last2 - first2)) such that for any non-negative integer n less than last2 - first2 the following corresponding conditions hold: *(i + n) == *(first2 + n), pred(*(i + n), *(first2 + n)) != false. Returns last1 if no such iterator is found.

3 Complexity: At most (last1 - first1) * (last2 - first2) applications of the corresponding predicate.

template<class ForwardIterator, class Size, class T>
    search_n(ForwardIterator   first, ForwardIterator   last, Size  count,
            const T& value);

template<class ForwardIterator, class Size, class T,
          class BinaryPredicate>
    search_n(ForwardIterator   first, ForwardIterator   last, Size  count,
            const T& value, BinaryPredicate   pred);

4 Requires: Type T is EqualityComparable (20.1.1), type Size is convertible to integral type (4.7, 12.3).

5 Effects: Finds a subsequence of equal values in a sequence.

6 Returns: The first iterator i in the range [first, last - count) such that for any non-negative integer n less than count the following corresponding conditions hold: *(i + n) == value, pred(*(i + n),value) != false. Returns last if no such iterator is found.

7 Complexity: At most (last1 - first1) * count applications of the corresponding predicate.

25.2 Mutating sequence operations [lib.alg.modifying.operations]

25.2.1 Copy [lib.alg.copy]

template<class InputIterator, class OutputIterator>
  OutputIterator copy(InputIterator    first, InputIterator   last,
                        OutputIterator   result);

1 Effects: Copies elements in the range [first, last) into the range [result, result + (last - first)) starting from first and proceeding to last. For each non-negative integer n < (last-first), performs *(result + n) = *(first + n).

2 Returns: result + (last - first).

3 Requires: result shall not be in the range [first, last).

4 Complexity: Exactly last - first assignments.

template<class BidirectionalIterator1, class BidirectionalIterator2>
    copy_backward(BidirectionalIterator1     first,
                    BidirectionalIterator1   last,
                    BidirectionalIterator2   result);

5 Effects: Copies elements in the range [first, last) into the range [result - (last - first), result) starting from last - 1 and proceeding to first . 251) For each positive integer n <= (last - first), performs *(result - n) = *(last - n).

6 Requires: result shall not be in the range [first, last).

7 Returns: result - (last - first).

8 Complexity: Exactly last - first assignments.

251) copy_backward (_lib.copy.backward_) should be used instead of copy when last is in the range [result - (last - first), result). [back to text]

25.2.2 Swap [lib.alg.swap]

template<class T> void swap(T&    a, T&  b);

1 Requires: Type T is Assignable (23.1).

2 Effects: Exchanges values stored in two locations.

template<class ForwardIterator1, class ForwardIterator2>
    swap_ranges(ForwardIterator1    first1, ForwardIterator1    last1,
                 ForwardIterator2   first2);

3 Effects: For each non-negative integer n < (last1 - first1) performs: swap(*(first1 +

n), *(first2    + n)).

4 Requires: The two ranges [first1, last1) and [first2, first2 + (last1 - first1)) shall not overlap.

5 Returns: first2 + (last1 - first1).

6 Complexity: Exactly last1 - first1 swaps.

template<class ForwardIterator1, class ForwardIterator2>
  void iter_swap(ForwardIterator1    a, ForwardIterator2   b);

7 Effects: Exchanges the values pointed to by the two iterators a and b.

25.2.3 Transform [lib.alg.transform]

template<class InputIterator, class OutputIterator,
         class UnaryOperation>
    transform(InputIterator  first, InputIterator  last,
              OutputIterator  result, UnaryOperation   op);

template<class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2,
         class OutputIterator, class BinaryOperation>
    transform(InputIterator1  first1, InputIterator1   last1,
              InputIterator2  first2, OutputIterator   result,
              BinaryOperation  binary_op);

1 Effects: Assigns through every iterator i in the range [result, result + (last1 - first1)) a new corresponding value equal to op(*(first1 + (i - result)) or binary_op(*(first1 + (i - result), *(first2 + (i - result))).

2 Requires: op and binary_op shall not have any side effects.

3 Returns: result + (last1 - first1).

4 Complexity: Exactly last1 - first1 applications of op or binary_op

5 Notes: result may be equal to first in case of unary transform, or to first1 or first2 in case of binary transform.

25.2.4 Replace [lib.alg.replace]

template<class ForwardIterator, class T>
  void replace(ForwardIterator  first, ForwardIterator   last,
               const T&  old_value, const T&  new_value);

template<class ForwardIterator, class Predicate, class T>
  void replace_if(ForwardIterator  first, ForwardIterator   last,
                   Predicate pred, const T&  new_value);

1 Requires: Type T is Assignable (23.1) (and, for replace(), EqualityComparable (20.1.1)).

2 Effects: Substitutes elements referred by the iterator i in the range [first, last) with new_value, when the following corresponding conditions hold: *i == old_value, pred(*i) != false.

3 Complexity: Exactly last - first applications of the corresponding predicate.

template<class InputIterator, class OutputIterator, class T>
    replace_copy(InputIterator  first, InputIterator   last,
                  OutputIterator result,
                  const T& old_value, const T&  new_value);

template<class Iterator, class OutputIterator, class Predicate, class T>
    replace_copy_if(Iterator  first, Iterator  last,
                     OutputIterator  result,
                     Predicate pred, const T&  new_value);

4 Requires: Type T is Assignable (23.1) (and, for replace_copy(), EqualityComparable (20.1.1). The ranges [first, last) and [result, result + (last - first)) shall not overlap.

5 Effects: Assigns to every iterator i in the range [result, result + (last - first)) either new_value or *(first + (i - result)) depending on whether the following corresponding conditions hold: *(first + (i - result)) == old_value, pred(*(first + (i - result))) != false.

6 Returns: result + (last - first).

7 Complexity: Exactly last - first applications of the corresponding predicate.

25.2.5 Fill [lib.alg.fill]

template<class ForwardIterator, class T>
  void fill(ForwardIterator    first, ForwardIterator    last, const T&  value);

template<class OutputIterator, class Size, class T>
  void fill_n(OutputIterator    first, Size   n, const T&  value);

1 Requires: Type T is Assignable (23.1), Size is convertible to an integral type (4.7, 12.3).

2 Effects: Assigns value through all the iterators in the range [first, last)or [first, first + n).

3 Complexity: Exactly last - first (or n) assignments.

25.2.6 Generate [lib.alg.generate]

template<class ForwardIterator, class Generator>
void generate(ForwardIterator     first, ForwardIterator   last,
                Generator  gen);

template<class OutputIterator, class Size, class Generator>
void generate_n(OutputIterator     first, Size  n, Generator  gen);

1 Effects: Invokes the function object gen and assigns the return value of gen though all the iterators in the range [first, last) or [first, first + n).

2 Requires: gen takes no arguments, Size is convertible to an integral type (4.7, 12.3).

3 Complexity: Exactly last - first (or n) invocations of gen and assignments.

25.2.7 Remove [lib.alg.remove]

template<class ForwardIterator, class T>
ForwardIterator remove(ForwardIterator      first, ForwardIterator   last,
                          const T&  value);

template<class ForwardIterator, class Predicate>
ForwardIterator remove_if(ForwardIterator      first, ForwardIterator   last,
                             Predicate  pred);

1 Requires: Type T is EqualityComparable (20.1.1).

2 Effects: Eliminates all the elements referred to by iterator i in the range [first, last) for which the following corresponding conditions hold: *i == value, pred(*i) != false.

3 Returns: The end of the resulting range.

4 Notes: Stable: the relative order of the elements that are not removed is the same as their relative order in the original range.

5 Complexity: Exactly last - first applications of the corresponding predicate. template<class InputIterator, class OutputIterator, class T>

   remove_copy(InputIterator   first, InputIterator    last,
                OutputIterator   result, const T&  value);

template<class InputIterator, class OutputIterator, class Predicate>
   remove_copy_if(InputIterator    first, InputIterator   last,
                   OutputIterator   result, Predicate   pred);

6 Requires: Type T is EqualityComparable (20.1.1). The ranges [first, last) and [result, result+(last-first)) shall not overlap.

7 Effects: Copies all the elements referred to by the iterator i in the range [first, last) for which the following corresponding conditions do not hold: *i == value, pred(*i) != false.

8 Returns: The end of the resulting range.

9 Complexity: Exactly last - first applications of the corresponding predicate.

10 Notes: Stable: the relative order of the elements in the resulting range is the same as their relative order in the original range.

25.2.8 Unique [lib.alg.unique]

template<class ForwardIterator>
ForwardIterator unique(ForwardIterator      first, ForwardIterator    last);

template<class ForwardIterator, class BinaryPredicate>
ForwardIterator unique(ForwardIterator      first, ForwardIterator    last,
                          BinaryPredicate   pred);

1 Effects: Eliminates all but the first element from every consecutive group of equal elements referred to by the iterator i in the range [first, last) for which the following corresponding conditions hold: *i == *(i - 1) or pred(*i, *(i - 1)) != false

2 Returns: The end of the resulting range.

3 Complexity: If the range (last - first) is not empty, exactly (last - first) - 1 applications of the corresponding predicate, otherwise no applications of the predicate. template<class InputIterator, class OutputIterator>

  unique_copy(InputIterator    first, InputIterator    last,
                OutputIterator   result);

template<class InputIterator, class OutputIterator,
class BinaryPredicate>
  unique_copy(InputIterator    first, InputIterator    last,
                OutputIterator   result, BinaryPredicate    pred);

4 Requires: The ranges [first, last) and [result, result+(last-first)) shall not overlap.

5 Effects: Copies only the first element from every consecutive group of equal elements referred to by the iterator i in the range [first, last) for which the following corresponding conditions hold: *i == *(i - 1) or pred(*i, *(i - 1)) != false

6 Returns: The end of the resulting range.

7 Complexity: Exactly last - first applications of the corresponding predicate.

25.2.9 Reverse [lib.alg.reverse]

template<class BidirectionalIterator>
void reverse(BidirectionalIterator     first, BidirectionalIterator     last);

1 Effects: For each non-negative integer i <= (last - first)/2, applies swap to all pairs of iterators first + i, (last - i) - 1.

2 Complexity: Exactly (last - first)/2 swaps. template<class BidirectionalIterator, class OutputIterator>

  reverse_copy(BidirectionalIterator    first,
                BidirectionalIterator   last, OutputIterator  result);

3 Effects: Copies the range [first, last) to the range [result, result + (last - first)) such that for any non-negative integer i < (last - first) the following assignment takes place: *(result + (last - first) - i) = *(first + i)

4 Requires: The ranges [first, last) and [result, result + (last - first)) shall not overlap.

5 Returns: result + (last - first).

6 Complexity: Exactly last - first assignments.

25.2.10 Rotate [lib.alg.rotate]

template<class ForwardIterator>
  void rotate(ForwardIterator   first, ForwardIterator   middle,
               ForwardIterator  last);

1 Effects: For each non-negative integer i < (last - first), places the element from the position first + i into position first + (i + (last - middle)) % (last - first).

2 Notes: This is a left rotate.

3 Requires: [first, middle) and [middle, last) are valid ranges.

4 Complexity: At most last - first swaps.

template<class ForwardIterator, class OutputIterator>
    rotate_copy(ForwardIterator   first, ForwardIterator   middle,
                 ForwardIterator  last, OutputIterator   result);

5 Effects: Copies the range [first, last) to the range [result, result + (last - first)) such that for each non-negative integer i < (last - first) the following assignment takes place: *(result + i) = *(first + (i + (middle - first)) % (last - first))

6 Returns: result + (last - first).

7 Requires The ranges [first, last) and [result, result + (last - first)) shall not overlap.

8 Complexity: Exactly last - first assignments.

25.2.11 Random shuffle [lib.alg.random.shuffle]

template<class RandomAccessIterator>
  void random_shuffle(RandomAccessIterator    first,
                       RandomAccessIterator   last);

template<class RandomAccessIterator, class RandomNumberGenerator>
  void random_shuffle(RandomAccessIterator    first,
                       RandomAccessIterator   last,
                       RandomNumberGenerator&   rand);

1 Effects: Shuffles the elements in the range [first, last) with uniform distribution.

2 Complexity: Exactly (last - first) - 1 swaps.

3 Notes: random_shuffle() can take a particular random number generating function object rand such that if n is an argument for rand, with a positive value, that has type iterator_traits<RandomAccessIterator>::difference_type, then rand(n) returns a randomly chosen value, which lies in the interval [0, n), and which has a type that is convertible to iterator_traits<RandomAccessIterator>::difference_type.

25.2.12 Partitions [lib.alg.partitions]

template<class BidirectionalIterator, class Predicate>
     partition(BidirectionalIterator       first,
                 BidirectionalIterator     last, Predicate     pred);

1 Effects: Places all the elements in the range [first, last) that satisfy pred before all the elements that do not satisfy it.

2 Returns: An iterator i such that for any iterator j in the range [first, i), pred(*j) != false, and for any iterator k in the range [i, last), pred(*j) == false.

3 Complexity: At most (last - first)/2 swaps. Exactly last - first applications of the predicate are done.

template<class BidirectionalIterator, class Predicate>
     stable_partition(BidirectionalIterator         first,
                         BidirectionalIterator      last, Predicate    pred);

4 Effects: Places all the elements in the range [first, last) that satisfy pred before all the elements that do not satisfy it.

5 Returns: An iterator i such that for any iterator j in the range [first, i), pred(*j) != false, and for any iterator k in the range [i, last), pred(*j) == false. The relative order of the elements in both groups is preserved.

6 Complexity: At most (last - first) * log(last - first) swaps, but only linear number of swaps if there is enough extra memory. Exactly last - first applications of the predicate.

25.3 Sorting and related operations [lib.alg.sorting]

1 All the operations in 25.3 have two versions: one that takes a function object of type Compare and one that uses an operator<.

2 Compare is used as a function object which returns true if the first argument is less than the second, and false otherwise. Compare comp is used throughout for algorithms assuming an ordering relation. It is assumed that comp will not apply any non-constant function through the dereferenced iterator.

3 For all algorithms that take Compare, there is a version that uses operator< instead. That is, comp(*i, *j) != false defaults to *i < *j != false. For the algorithms to work correctly, comp has to induce a strict weak ordering on the values.

4 The term strict refers to the requirement of an irreflexive relation (!comp(x, x) for all x), and the term weak to requirements that are not as strong as those for a total ordering, but stronger than those for a partial ordering. If we define equiv(a, b) as !comp(a, b) && !comp(b, a), then the requirements are that comp and equiv both be transitive relations:

5 A sequence is sorted with respect to a comparator comp if for any iterator i pointing to the sequence and any non-negative integer n such that i + n is a valid iterator pointing to an element of the sequence, comp(*(i + n), *i) == false.

6 In the descriptions of the functions that deal with ordering relationships we frequently use a notion of equivalence to describe concepts such as stability. The equivalence to which we refer is not necessarily an operator==, but an equivalence relation induced by the strict weak ordering. That is, two elements a and b are considered equivalent if and only if !(a < b) && !(b < a).

25.3.1 Sorting [lib.alg.sort] sort [lib.sort]

template<class RandomAccessIterator>
   void sort(RandomAccessIterator     first, RandomAccessIterator     last);

template<class RandomAccessIterator, class Compare>
   void sort(RandomAccessIterator     first, RandomAccessIterator     last,
              Compare  comp);

1 Effects: Sorts the elements in the range [first, last).

2 Complexity: Approximately N log N (where N == last - first) comparisons on the average.252)

252) If the worst case behavior is important stable_sort() ( or partial_sort() ( should be used. [back to text] stable_sort [lib.stable.sort]

template<class RandomAccessIterator>
   void stable_sort(RandomAccessIterator      first, RandomAccessIterator      last);

template<class RandomAccessIterator, class Compare>
   void stable_sort(RandomAccessIterator      first, RandomAccessIterator      last,
                      Compare  comp);

1 Effects: Sorts the elements in the range [first, last).

2 Complexity: It does at most N(log N)2 (where N == last - first) comparisons; if enough extra memory is available, it is N log N.

3 Notes: Stable: the relative order of the equivalent elements is preserved. partial_sort [lib.partial.sort]

template<class RandomAccessIterator>
   void partial_sort(RandomAccessIterator       first,
                       RandomAccessIterator     middle,
                       RandomAccessIterator     last);

template<class RandomAccessIterator, class Compare>
   void partial_sort(RandomAccessIterator       first,
                       RandomAccessIterator     middle,
                       RandomAccessIterator     last,
                       Compare   comp);

1 Effects: Places the first middle - first sorted elements from the range [first, last) into the range [first, middle). The rest of the elements in the range [middle, last) are placed in an unspecified order.

2 Complexity: It takes approximately (last - first) * log(middle - first) comparisons. partial_sort_copy [lib.partial.sort.copy]

template<class InputIterator, class RandomAccessIterator>
    partial_sort_copy(InputIterator     first, InputIterator   last,
                        RandomAccessIterator   result_first,
                        RandomAccessIterator   result_last);

template<class InputIterator, class RandomAccessIterator,
          class Compare>
    partial_sort_copy(InputIterator     first, InputIterator   last,
                        RandomAccessIterator   result_first,
                        RandomAccessIterator   result_last,
                        Compare  comp);

1 Effects: Places the first min(last - first, result_last - result_first) sorted elements into the range [result_first, result_first + min(last - first, result_last - result_first)).

2 Returns: The smaller of: result_last or result_first + (last - first)

3 Complexity: Approximately (last - first) * log(min(last - first, result_last - result_first)) comparisons.

25.3.2 Nth element [lib.alg.nth.element]

template<class RandomAccessIterator>
void nth_element(RandomAccessIterator     first, RandomAccessIterator    nth,
                   RandomAccessIterator   last);

template<class RandomAccessIterator, class Compare>
void nth_element(RandomAccessIterator     first, RandomAccessIterator    nth,
                   RandomAccessIterator   last,   Compare  comp);

1 After nth_element the element in the position pointed to by nth is the element that would be in that position if the whole range were sorted. Also for any iterator i in the range [first, nth) and any iterator j in the range [nth, last) it holds that: !(*i > *j) or comp(*j, *i) == false.

2 Complexity: Linear on average.

25.3.3 Binary search [lib.alg.binary.search]

1 All of the algorithms in this section are versions of binary search and assume that the sequence being searched is in order according to the implied or explicit comparison function. They work on non-random access iterators minimizing the number of comparisons, which will be logarithmic for all types of iterators. They are especially appropriate for random access iterators, because these algorithms do a logarithmic number of steps through the data structure. For non-random access iterators they execute a linear number of steps. lower_bound [lib.lower.bound]

template<class ForwardIterator, class T>
    lower_bound(ForwardIterator    first, ForwardIterator    last,
                  const T&  value);

template<class ForwardIterator, class T, class Compare>
    lower_bound(ForwardIterator    first, ForwardIterator    last,
                  const T&  value, Compare  comp);

1 Requires: Type T is LessThanComparable (20.1.2).

2 Effects: Finds the first position into which value can be inserted without violating the ordering.

3 Returns: The furthermost iterator i in the range [first, last] such that for any iterator j in the range [first, i) the following corresponding conditions hold: *j < value or comp(*j, value) != false

4 Complexity: At most log(last - first) + 1 comparisons. upper_bound [lib.upper.bound]

template<class ForwardIterator, class T>
    upper_bound(ForwardIterator    first, ForwardIterator   last,
                 const T&  value);

template<class ForwardIterator, class T, class Compare>
    upper_bound(ForwardIterator    first, ForwardIterator   last,
                 const T&  value, Compare  comp);

1 Requires: Type T is LessThanComparable (20.1.2).

2 Effects: Finds the furthermost position into which value can be inserted without violating the ordering.

3 Returns: The furthermost iterator i in the range [first, last) such that for any iterator j in the range [first, i) the following corresponding conditions hold: !(value < *j) or comp(value, *j) == false

4 Complexity: At most log(last - first) + 1 comparisons. equal_range [lib.equal.range]

template<class ForwardIterator, class T>
  pair<ForwardIterator, ForwardIterator>
    equal_range(ForwardIterator    first,
                 ForwardIterator   last, const T&  value);

template<class ForwardIterator, class T, class Compare>
  pair<ForwardIterator, ForwardIterator>
    equal_range(ForwardIterator    first,
                 ForwardIterator   last, const T&  value,
                 Compare  comp);

1 Requires: Type T is LessThanComparable (20.1.2).

2 Effects: Finds the largest subrange [i, j) such that the value can be inserted at any iterator k in it without violating the ordering. k satisfies the corresponding conditions: !(*k < value) && !(value < *k) or comp(*k, value) == false && comp(value, *k) == false.

3 Complexity: At most 2 * log(last - first) + 1 comparisons. binary_search [lib.binary.search]

template<class ForwardIterator, class T>
  bool binary_search(ForwardIterator    first, ForwardIterator   last,
                       const T& value);

template<class ForwardIterator, class T, class Compare>
  bool binary_search(ForwardIterator    first, ForwardIterator   last,
                       const T& value, Compare   comp);

1 Requires: Type T is LessThanComparable (20.1.2).

2 Returns: true if there is an iterator i in the range [first, last) that satisfies the corresponding conditions: !(*i < value) && !(value < *i) or comp(*i, value) == false && comp(value, *i) == false.

3 Complexity: At most log(last - first) + 2 comparisons.

25.3.4 Merge [lib.alg.merge]

template<class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2,
           class OutputIterator>
     merge(InputIterator1    first1, InputIterator1    last1,
            InputIterator2   first2, InputIterator2    last2,
            OutputIterator   result);

template<class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2,
           class OutputIterator, class Compare>
     merge(InputIterator1    first1, InputIterator1    last1,
            InputIterator2   first2, InputIterator2    last2,
            OutputIterator   result, Compare   comp);

1 Effects: Merges two sorted ranges [first1, last1) and [first2, last2) into the range [result, result + (last1 - first1) + (last2 - first2)).

2 The resulting range shall not overlap with either of the original ranges. The list will be sorted in nondecreasing order according to the ordering defined by comp; that is, for every iterator i in [first, last) other than first, the condition *i < *(i - 1) or comp(*i, *(i - 1)) will be false.

3 Returns: result + (last1 - first1) + (last2 - first2).

4 Complexity: At most (last1 - first1) + (last2 - first2) - 1 comparisons.

5 Notes: Stable: for equivalent elements in the two ranges, the elements from the first range always precede the elements from the second.

template<class BidirectionalIterator>
   void inplace_merge(BidirectionalIterator      first,
                        BidirectionalIterator    middle,
                        BidirectionalIterator    last);

template<class BidirectionalIterator, class Compare>
   void inplace_merge(BidirectionalIterator      first,
                        BidirectionalIterator    middle,
                        BidirectionalIterator    last, Compare   comp);

6 Effects: Merges two sorted consecutive ranges [first, middle) and [middle, last), putting the result of the merge into the range [first, last). The resulting range will be in non-decreasing order; that is, for every iterator i in [first, last) other than first, the condition *i < *(i -

1) or, respectively, comp(*i, *(i - 1)) will be false.

7 Complexity: When enough additional memory is available, (last - first) - 1 comparisons. If no additional memory is available, an algorithm with complexity N log N (where N is equal to last -

first) may be used.

8 Notes: Stable: for equivalent elements in the two ranges, the elements from the first range always precede the elements from the second.

25.3.5 Set operations on sorted structures [lib.alg.set.operations]

1 This section defines all the basic set operations on sorted structures. They also work with multisets (23.3.4) containing multiple copies of equivalent elements. The semantics of the set operations are generalized to multisets in a standard way by defining union() to contain the maximum number of occurrences of every element, intersection() to contain the minimum, and so on. includes [lib.includes]

template<class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2>
  bool includes(InputIterator1    first1, InputIterator1   last1,
                  InputIterator2  first2, InputIterator2   last2);

template<class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2, class Compare>
  bool includes(InputIterator1    first1, InputIterator1   last1,
                  InputIterator2  first2, InputIterator2   last2,
                  Compare comp);

1 Returns: true if every element in the range [first2, last2) is contained in the range [first1,

last1). Returns false otherwise.

2 Complexity: At most 2 * ((last1 - first1) + (last2 - first2)) - 1 comparisons. set_union [lib.set.union]

template<class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2,
          class OutputIterator>
    set_union(InputIterator1    first1, InputIterator1   last1,
               InputIterator2   first2, InputIterator2   last2,
               OutputIterator   result);

template<class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2,
          class OutputIterator, class Compare>
    set_union(InputIterator1    first1, InputIterator1   last1,
               InputIterator2   first2, InputIterator2   last2,
               OutputIterator   result, Compare   comp);

1 Effects: Constructs a sorted union of the elements from the two ranges; that is, the set of elements that are present in one or both of the ranges.

2 Requires: The resulting range shall not overlap with either of the original ranges.

3 Returns: The end of the constructed range.

4 Complexity: At most 2 * ((last1 - first1) + (last2 - first2)) - 1 comparisons.

5 Notes: Stable: if an element is present in both ranges, the one from the first range is copied. set_intersection [lib.set.intersection]

template<class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2,
class OutputIterator>
  set_intersection(InputIterator1     first1, InputIterator1   last1,
                     InputIterator2   first2, InputIterator2   last2,
                     OutputIterator   result);

template<class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2,
class OutputIterator, class Compare>
  set_intersection(InputIterator1     first1, InputIterator1   last1,
                     InputIterator2   first2, InputIterator2   last2,
                     OutputIterator   result, Compare  comp);

1 Effects: Constructs a sorted intersection of the elements from the two ranges; that is, the set of elements that are present in both of the ranges.

2 Requires: The resulting range shall not overlap with either of the original ranges.

3 Returns: The end of the constructed range.

4 Complexity: At most 2 * ((last1 - first1) + (last2 - first2)) - 1 comparisons.

5 Notes: Stable, that is, if an element is present in both ranges, the one from the first range is copied. set_difference [lib.set.difference]

template<class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2,
class OutputIterator>
   set_difference(InputIterator1    first1, InputIterator1    last1,
                   InputIterator2   first2, InputIterator2    last2,
                   OutputIterator   result);

template<class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2,
class OutputIterator, class Compare>
   set_difference(InputIterator1    first1, InputIterator1    last1,
                   InputIterator2   first2, InputIterator2    last2,
                   OutputIterator   result, Compare   comp);

1 Effects: Copies the elements of the range [first1, last1) which are not present in the range [first2, last2) to the range beginning at result. The elements in the constructed range are sorted.

2 Requires: The resulting range shall not overlap with either of the original ranges.

3 Returns: The end of the constructed range.

4 Complexity: At most 2 * ((last1 - first1) + (last2 - first2)) - 1 comparisons. set_symmetric_difference [lib.set.symmetric.difference]

template<class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2,
class OutputIterator>
   set_symmetric_difference(InputIterator1     first1, InputIterator1    last1,
                              InputIterator2   first2, InputIterator2    last2,
                              OutputIterator   result);

template<class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2,
class OutputIterator, class Compare>
   set_symmetric_difference(InputIterator1     first1, InputIterator1    last1,
                              InputIterator2   first2, InputIterator2    last2,
                              OutputIterator   result, Compare   comp);

1 Effects: Copies the elements of the range [first1, last1) which are not present in the range [first2, last2), and the elements of the range [first2, last2) which are not present in the range [first1, last1) to the range beginning at result. The elements in the constructed range are sorted.

2 Requires: The resulting range shall not overlap with either of the original ranges.

3 Returns: The end of the constructed range.

4 Complexity: At most 2 * ((last1 - first1) + (last2 - first2)) - 1 comparisons.

25.3.6 Heap operations [lib.alg.heap.operations]

1 A heap is a particular organization of elements in a range between two random access iterators [a, b). Its two key properties are: (1) *a is the largest element in the range and (2) *a may be removed by pop_heap(), or a new element added by push_heap(), in O(log N) time.

2 These properties make heaps useful as priority queues.

3 make_heap() converts a range into a heap and sort_heap() turns a heap into a sorted sequence. push_heap [lib.push.heap]

template<class RandomAccessIterator>
void push_heap(RandomAccessIterator    first, RandomAccessIterator   last);

template<class RandomAccessIterator, class Compare>
void push_heap(RandomAccessIterator    first, RandomAccessIterator   last,
                Compare  comp);

1 Requires: The range [first, last - 1) shall be a valid heap.

2 Effects: Places the value in the location last - 1 into the resulting heap [first, last).

3 Complexity: At most log(last - first) comparisons. pop_heap [lib.pop.heap]

template<class RandomAccessIterator>
void pop_heap(RandomAccessIterator    first, RandomAccessIterator   last);

template<class RandomAccessIterator, class Compare>
void pop_heap(RandomAccessIterator    first, RandomAccessIterator   last,
               Compare  comp);

1 Requires: The range [first, last) shall be a valid heap.

2 Effects: Swaps the value in the location first with the value in the location last - 1 and makes [first, last - 1) into a heap.

3 Complexity: At most 2 * log(last - first) comparisons. make_heap [lib.make.heap]

template<class RandomAccessIterator>
  void make_heap(RandomAccessIterator    first, RandomAccessIterator   last);

template<class RandomAccessIterator, class Compare>
  void make_heap(RandomAccessIterator    first, RandomAccessIterator   last,
                  Compare  comp);

1 Effects: Constructs a heap out of the range [first, last).

2 Complexity: At most 3 * (last - first) comparisons. sort_heap [lib.sort.heap]

template<class RandomAccessIterator>
  void sort_heap(RandomAccessIterator    first, RandomAccessIterator   last);

template<class RandomAccessIterator, class Compare>
  void sort_heap(RandomAccessIterator    first, RandomAccessIterator   last,
                  Compare  comp);

1 Effects: Sorts elements in the heap [first, last).

2 Complexity: At most N log N comparisons (where N == last - first).

3 Notes: Not stable.

25.3.7 Minimum and maximum [lib.alg.min.max]

template<class T> const T& min(const T&    a, const T&  b);
template<class T, class Compare>
  const T& min(const T&   a, const T&  b, Compare  comp);

1 Requires: Type T is LessThanComparable (20.1.2) and CopyConstructible (20.1.3).

2 Returns: The smaller value.

3 Notes: Returns the first argument when the arguments are equivalent.

template<class T> const T& max(const T&    a, const T&  b);
template<class T, class Compare>
  const T& max(const T&   a, const T&  b, Compare  comp);

4 Requires: Type T is LessThanComparable (20.1.2) and CopyConstructible (20.1.3).

5 Returns: The larger value.

6 Notes: Returns the first argument when the arguments are equivalent.

template<class ForwardIterator>
  ForwardIterator min_element(ForwardIterator     first, ForwardIterator  last);

template<class ForwardIterator, class Compare>
  ForwardIterator min_element(ForwardIterator     first, ForwardIterator  last,
                              Compare  comp);

7 Returns: The first iterator i in the range [first, last) such that for any iterator j in the range [first, last) the following corresponding conditions hold: !(*j < *i) or comp(*j, *i) == false

8 Complexity: Exactly max((last - first) - 1, 0) applications of the corresponding comparisons.

template<class ForwardIterator>
  ForwardIterator max_element(ForwardIterator     first, ForwardIterator  last);
template<class ForwardIterator, class Compare>
  ForwardIterator max_element(ForwardIterator     first, ForwardIterator  last,
                              Compare  comp);

9 Returns: The first iterator i in the range [first, last) such that for any iterator j in the range [first, last) the following corresponding conditions hold: !(*i < *j) or comp(*i, *j) == false.

10 Complexity: Exactly max((last - first) - 1, 0) applications of the corresponding comparisons.

25.3.8 Lexicographical comparison [lib.alg.lex.comparison]

template<class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2>
    lexicographical_compare(InputIterator1    first1, InputIterator1   last1,
                              InputIterator2  first2, InputIterator2   last2);

template<class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2, class Compare>
    lexicographical_compare(InputIterator1    first1, InputIterator1   last1,
                              InputIterator2  first2, InputIterator2   last2,
                              Compare  comp);

1 Returns: true if the sequence of elements defined by the range [first1, last1) is lexicographically less than the sequence of elements defined by the range [first2, last2). Returns false otherwise.

2 Complexity: At most min((last1 - first1), (last2 - first2)) applications of the corresponding comparison.

3 Notes: If two sequences have the same number of elements and their corresponding elements are equivalent, then neither sequence is lexicographically less than the other. If one sequence is a prefix of the other, then the shorter sequence is lexicographically less than the longer sequence. Otherwise, the lexicographical comparison of the sequences yields the same result as the comparison of the first corresponding pair of elements that are not equivalent.

for (i =   first1, j =   first2;
      i !=  last1  && j !=  last2  && !(*i < *j) && !(*j < *i);
      ++i, ++j);
return j ==   last2  ? false : i ==    last1  || *i < *j;

25.3.9 Permutation generators [lib.alg.permutation.generators]

template<class BidirectionalIterator>
  bool next_permutation(BidirectionalIterator         first,
                            BidirectionalIterator     last);

template<class BidirectionalIterator, class Compare>
  bool next_permutation(BidirectionalIterator         first,
                            BidirectionalIterator     last, Compare    comp);

1 Effects: Takes a sequence defined by the range [first, last) and transforms it into the next permutation. The next permutation is found by assuming that the set of all permutations is lexicographically sorted with respect to operator< or comp. If such a permutation exists, it returns true. Otherwise, it transforms the sequence into the smallest permutation, that is, the ascendingly sorted one, and returns false.

2 Complexity: At most (last - first)/2 swaps.

template<class BidirectionalIterator>
  bool prev_permutation(BidirectionalIterator         first,
                            BidirectionalIterator     last);

template<class BidirectionalIterator, class Compare>
  bool prev_permutation(BidirectionalIterator         first,
                            BidirectionalIterator     last, Compare    comp);

3 Effects: Takes a sequence defined by the range [first, last) and transforms it into the previous permutation. The previous permutation is found by assuming that the set of all permutations is lexicographically sorted with respect to operator< or comp.

4 Returns: true if such a permutation exists. Otherwise, it transforms the sequence into the largest permutation, that is, the descendingly sorted one, and returns false.

5 Complexity: At most (last - first)/2 swaps.

25.4 C library algorithms [lib.alg.c.library]

1 Header <cstdlib> (partial, Table 78):

Table 78---Header <cstdlib> synopsis
_ ______________________________
_   Type           Name(s)
_ Functions:  bsearch     qsort

2 The contents are the same as the Standard C library header <stdlib.h> with the following exceptions:

3 The function signature: bsearch(const void *, const void *, size_t, size_t,

int (*)(const void *, const void *));

is replaced by the two declarations:
extern "C" void *bsearch(const void *key, const void *base,
                          size_t  nmemb, size_t  size,
                          int (*compar)(const void *, const void *));
extern "C++" void *bsearch(const void *key, const void *base,
                          size_t  nmemb, size_t  size,
                          int (*compar)(const void *, const void *));

both of which have the same behavior as the original declaration.

4 The function signature:

qsort(void *, size_t, size_t,
         int (*)(const void *, const void *));

is replaced by the two declarations:
extern "C" void qsort(void*    base, size_t  nmemb, size_t  size,
                  int (*compar)(const void*, const void*));
extern "C++" void qsort(void*    base, size_t  nmemb, size_t   size,
                  int (*compar)(const void*, const void*));

[Note: Because the function argument compar() may throw an exception, bsearch() and qsort() are allowed to propagate the exception ( ---end note] SEE ALSO: ISO C subclause 7.10.5.